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How to choose an Electronic Invoice provider?

After the passing the Law of Business Creation and Growth, better known as “Create and Grow” (“Crea y Crece”), the use of the Electronic Invoice has become mandatory for commercial relations between companies and freelancers. This measures intends to create a better traceability and control among transactions with the objective of tackling non-payments and reducing payment periods.

How to choose an Electronic Invoice provider?

Latest news

  • The Create and Grow Law: Electronic Invoice

    Although currently there are companies that use the Electronic Invoice in Spain, it is not compulsory except in specific occasions such as with relations with Public Administration, for Subcontractors or for companies providing Specially Important Services (SET) in their B2C relationships.

    The Create and Grow Law: Electronic Invoice
  • The Create and Grow Law and its benefits for SMEs

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    Last September, Law 18/2022 on Creation and Growth was published in the Official State Bulletin (BOE), which, as a key measure, imposes the use of the Electronic Invoice in the commercial relations of companies and freelancers. This point of the Law has generated great expectation, because it will mean that all companies will have to use a software that responds to this new legal requirement.

    What does the technical regulation template of the Create and Grow Law say about the Electronic Invoice
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    The Anti-Fraud Law proposes new requirements for corporate billing systems
  • Electronic Invoice Requirements

    With the entry into force of the Crea y Crece Law, the implementation of Electronic Invoicing becomes mandatory for companies and the self-employed. But do you already know what information an invoice must contain to be valid? We've summed it up for you in this infographic:

    Electronic Invoice Requirements
  • How to choose an Electronic Invoice provider?

    After the passing the Law of Business Creation and Growth, better known as “Create and Grow” (“Crea y Crece”), the use of the Electronic Invoice has become mandatory for commercial relations between companies and freelancers. This measures intends to create a better traceability and control among transactions with the objective of tackling non-payments and reducing payment periods.

    How to choose an Electronic Invoice provider?